Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oracle VM upgrade story

As I have described in my last post I stared my work with Oracle VM 3.1 but after all problems with NFS local storage I installed Oracle VM 3.0. When storage issues have been resolved it was a good time run and share information about upgrade process from version 3.0.3 to 3.1. Process itself has been split into two phases - Oracle VM upgrade and Oracle VM Manager upgrade.

Oracle VM upgrade
Oracle VM upgrade is straight forward procedure. I have booted my server from new 3.1 CD and chose upgrade option. After couple of minutes and one reboot new version was in place. Unfortunately repository based on OCFS was not mounted and none of my virtual machines started. But before I dig into it I decided to upgrade Oracle VM Manager.

Oracle VM Manager upgrade
You can download upgrade ISO image from e-delivery (V32481-01) and it has only 123 MB in size. In next step ISO image has to be mounted using loop device and upgrade script should be started.
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# mount -o loop /root/V32481-01.iso /mnt
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# cd /mnt/
[root@OVMiddleEarth mnt]# ls
components  EULA  LICENSE  TRANS.TBL  upgrade
[root@OVMiddleEarth mnt]# ./
Stating OVM Manager upgrade on Thu Jun 14 13:40:16 IST 2012

Oracle VM Manager upgrade utility
Upgrade logfile : /tmp/upgrade-2012-06-14-40.log

It is highly recommended to do a full database repository backup prior to upgrading Oracle VM Manager ...

Press any key to continue ...

Oracle VM Manager is running ...
Verifying installation status ...
Read Oracle VM Manager config file ...
Found Oracle VM Manager install files ...
Found Oracle VM Manager upgrader ...
Found Oracle WebLogic Server ...
Found Java ...
Using the following information :
  Database Host          : localhost
  Database SID           : XE
  Database LSNR          : 1521
  Oracle VM Schema       : ovs
  Oracle VM Manager UUID : 0004fb00000100000a19593edeada0d8
  Current Build ID       :
  Upgrade from version   : 3.0.3
  Upgrade to version     : 3.1.1
Using /tmp/workdir.MdYTjS6054 for backup and export location.
Using /tmp/patchdir.bGPOJ6055 for patching.
Enter password for user ovs :
Undeploying previous version of Oracle VM Manager application ...
Undeploying Oracle VM Manager help ...
Undeploying Oracle VM Manager console ...
Undeploying Oracle VM Manager core ...
Waiting for Oracle VM Manager core to fully undeploy...
Finished undeploying previous version ...
Exporting Oracle VM Manager repository ...
Please wait as this can take a long time ...
Oracle VM Manager repository export completed ...
Creating backup file ...
/mnt/./upgrade: line 465: /usr/bin/zip: No such file or directory
Backup of Oracle VM Manager repository failed ... Exiting upgrade process.

Aborting upgrade on Thu Jun 14 13:43:14 IST 2012 due to error
Attempt to rollback to before starting this upgrade

.... redeploy weblogic and 3.0.1 OVM Manager
Redeploying back to the 3.0.1  Oracle VM Manager core container ...
Redeploying back to the 3.0.1 Oracle VM Manager console ...
Redeploying back to the 3.0.1  Oracle VM Manager help ...
I hit a problem here - zip program could not be found. This is strange as I didn't recall this issues from Oracle VM 3.1 / Oracle VM 3.1 Manager installation. It mean that server installation process is different then server upgrade or Oracle VM Manager upgrade has different requirements. Whatever is a root cause let solve it quick. As I mentioned in my last post I have added OEL 5 repository to my Oracle VM yum configuration so I was able to run
[root@OVMiddleEarth mnt]# yum install zip
el5_latest                                                                                                                                | 1.1 kB     00:00
el5_latest/primary                                                                                                                        | 9.1 MB     00:23
el5_latest                                                                                                                                             9031/9031
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package zip.x86_64 0:2.31-2.el5 set to be updated
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                           Arch                                 Version                                   Repository                                Size
 zip                               x86_64                               2.31-2.el5                                el5_latest                               136 k

Transaction Summary
Install       1 Package(s)
Upgrade       0 Package(s)

Total download size: 136 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
zip-2.31-2.el5.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                 | 136 kB     00:00
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Installing     : zip                                                                                                                                       1/1

  zip.x86_64 0:2.31-2.el5

[root@OVMiddleEarth mnt]#
Now I was ready to restart upgrade process
[root@OVMiddleEarth mnt]# ./
Stating OVM Manager upgrade on Thu Jun 14 13:50:22 IST 2012

Oracle VM Manager upgrade utility
Upgrade logfile : /tmp/upgrade-2012-06-14-50.log

It is highly recommended to do a full database repository backup prior to upgrading Oracle VM Manager ...

Press any key to continue ...

Oracle VM Manager is running ...
Verifying installation status ...
Read Oracle VM Manager config file ...
Found Oracle VM Manager install files ...
Found Oracle VM Manager upgrader ...
Found Oracle WebLogic Server ...
Found Java ...
Using the following information :
  Database Host          : localhost
  Database SID           : XE
  Database LSNR          : 1521
  Oracle VM Schema       : ovs
  Oracle VM Manager UUID : 0004fb00000100000a19593edeada0d8
  Current Build ID       :
  Upgrade from version   : 3.0.3
  Upgrade to version     : 3.1.1
Using /tmp/workdir.RLGCBY8025 for backup and export location.
Using /tmp/patchdir.aEpoE8026 for patching.
Enter password for user ovs :
Undeploying previous version of Oracle VM Manager application ...
Undeploying Oracle VM Manager help ...
Undeploying Oracle VM Manager console ...
Undeploying Oracle VM Manager core ...
Waiting for Oracle VM Manager core to fully undeploy...
Finished undeploying previous version ...
Exporting Oracle VM Manager repository ...
Please wait as this can take a long time ...
Oracle VM Manager repository export completed ...
Creating backup file ...
Oracle VM Manager repository backup in /tmp/
Upgrading Oracle VM Manager ...
Backing up old files to /tmp/ovm-manager-3-backup-2012-06-14-135340...
Removing old files ...
Unpacking Oracle VM Manager
`transform_003001001000_010.xsl' -> `/tmp/patchdir.aEpoE8026/transform_003001001000_010.xsl'
`transform_003001001000_020.xsl' -> `/tmp/patchdir.aEpoE8026/transform_003001001000_020.xsl'
`deletedClasses.xml' -> `/tmp/patchdir.aEpoE8026/deletedClasses.xml'
Filtering full repository export to the selective export subset at /tmp/workdir_sel.GbPcqS8595 ...
cp: omitting directory `/tmp/workdir.RLGCBY8025/jrnl'
cp: omitting directory `/tmp/workdir.RLGCBY8025/objs'
  adding: objs/19/ (deflated 70%)
  adding: objs/51/ (deflated 72%)
  adding: objs/51/ (deflated 81%)
  adding: objs/10/84/ (deflated 75%)
  adding: objs/10/79/ (deflated 73%)
  adding: objs/42/ (deflated 70%)
  adding: objs/41/ (deflated 85%)
  adding: objs/17/07/ (deflated 75%)
  adding: objs/47/ (deflated 74%)
  adding: objs/16/ (deflated 67%)
  adding: objs/ (deflated 93%)

Selective export is at /tmp/workdir_sel.GbPcqS8595
 11 objects selected (out of 12735) to be upgraded
Transform XSL files used:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 56678 Jun 14 13:53 /tmp/patchdir.aEpoE8026/transform_003001001000_010.xsl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10079 Jun 14 13:53 /tmp/patchdir.aEpoE8026/transform_003001001000_020.xsl
Changed classes encountered in selective export set:

Upgrading Oracle VM Manager repository ...
Please wait as this can take a long time ...
Oracle VM Manager repository upgrade completed ...
Validating Oracle VM Manager repository ...
Oracle VM Manager repository validation completed ...
Refresh system-jazn-data.xml file ...
Redeploying Oracle VM Manager core container ...
Redeploying Oracle VM Manager console ...
Redeploying Oracle VM Manager help ...
Install ADF Patch ...
Completed upgrade to ...
Writing updated config in /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/.config
Restart WebLogic ...
Stopping Oracle VM Manager                                 [  OK  ]
Starting Oracle VM Manager                                 [  OK  ]

OVM Manager upgrade finished on Thu Jun 14 13:57:31 IST 2012
[root@OVMiddleEarth mnt]#
This time it finish with successfully and I was able to login to Oracle VM Manager. 

Post upgrade changes

My first impression after login to upgraded system was that none of two OCFS file systems have been mounted. I checked system logs and looked around in system and I found that only one iSCSI target has been presented. New version of VM means new kernel and new configuration for multipath daemon. In my case second HDD (/dev/sdb) which I used as a block device to my local iSCSI server has been configured with multi path access and I had to change my iSCSI server configuration - instead of using direct path to /dev/sdb2 I need to use path presented through device mapper.
[root@OVMiddleEarth tgt]#  ls -l /dev/mapper/
total 0
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 252,   4 Jun 14 14:04 1IET_00010001
crw------- 1 root root  10, 236 Jun 14 14:04 control
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 252,   0 Jun 14 14:04 SATA_ST31000524AS_9VPCK40X
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 252,   1 Jun 14 14:04 SATA_ST31000524AS_9VPCK40Xp1
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 252,   2 Jun 14 14:04 SATA_ST31000524AS_9VPCK40Xp2
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 252,   3 Jun 14 14:04 SATA_ST31000524AS_9VPCK40Xp3
[root@OVMiddleEarth tgt]#
When I found out what is a mapper name for my device I have changed tgtd configuration and rebooted server.
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# vi /etc/tgt/targets.conf

    backing-store /dev/mapper/SATA_ST31000524AS_9VPCK40Xp2
    backing-store /etc/tgt/small_disk
    write-cache off

I helped and now it least cluster heartbeat file system has been mounted but still no repository. Solution has simple but it took me some time to find it out. I need to rescan all disks in Storage section of Oracle VM Manager and acknowledge all events in Repository section.

Lesson Learned
Event view and acknowledge of all previous errors helps in some stages and made a clean view of current state of Oracle VM.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Oracle VM at home

Thanks to Yury Velikanov posts about Oracle VM Server I start my journey with that tool. First of all installation and configuration of Oracle VM 3.1 and Oracle VM Manager on one box went well and I was able to connect to it via browser (see Yury's posts for details). I have started configuration of environment but there was first glitch. Oracle VM can create local storage on whole disk only (correct me if I’m wrong) but I have installed it on my test PC already running other Linux distributions. I had 1 partition free (not whole disk) and I was unable to add it in simple way.

Adding file systems to repository using NFS on local loop interface

Oracle VM is supporting NFS and iSCSI/FC disks as well so I decided that I can use NFS to present free partition as repository. OVM is based on OEL distribution and it had NFS server already installed. So here is my configuration:
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# cat /etc/fstab
/dev/sdb2  /nfs_pool  ext3    defaults       0 0

[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# cat /etc/exports
/nfs_pool *(rw,insecure,no_root_squash,sync)

[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# chkconfig --level 2345 nfs on
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# chkconfig --list nfs
nfs             0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

So far so good I was able to add local NFS server as repository for Oracle VM but in next 5 min I hit another issue – you can import Assemblies (pre-configured machines) via http(s)/ftp protocol only.

Adding local Apache (httpd) server 

OK – lets add Apache to Oracle VM. I have already added yum repository from OEL 5.8(thanks Yury !) so adding httpd package was simple.
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# ls /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# yum install httpd
Then simple configuration change to disable welcome screen
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf
# This configuration file enables the default "Welcome"
# page if there is no default index page present for
# the root URL.  To disable the Welcome page, comment
# out all the lines below.
#    Options -Indexes
#    ErrorDocument 403 /error/noindex.html
And I have moved my assemblies into /var/www/html
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# ls -l /var/www/html/
total 571644
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 584785920 Jan 20 22:51 OVM_OL6U1_x86_64_PVM.ova
That was simple as well and I was ready for implementation of Virtual Machine. I started to importing assemblies using local http server (http://localhost/OVM_OL6U1_x86_64_PVM.ova ) but it hung after minute or so. I wait a while but nothing happen so I start digging. First of all there was no disk activity at all – hmmm – I know it quite well – D-state.
ps aux | grep D
– showed processes waiting in DN state so it looks like problem with NFS server. I checked /var/log/messages and this is what I found
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel: INFO: task nfsd:3639 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel: nfsd            D 0000000000000000     0  3639      2 0x00000000
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel:  ffff8800a7e49be0 0000000000000246 00080094a7e49b60 00000000000121c0
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel:  ffff8800a7e46500 ffff8800b0cfc0c0 ffff8800af48ac80 ffff8800af7fca80
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel:  0000000000000000 ffff8800aa54c540 ffffffff81009d5d ffff8800a7e49bc0
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel: Call Trace:
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] ? xen_force_evtchn_callback+0xd/0x10
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] ? check_events+0x12/0x20
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] ? ext3_mark_dquot_dirty+0x60/0x60 [ext3]
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] ? xen_restore_fl_direct_reloc+0x4/0x4
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] ? kmem_cache_alloc+0xab/0x190
Jun  4 13:24:21 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] schedule+0x45/0x60
Jun  4 13:24:24 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] __mutex_lock_slowpath+0xd6/0x150
Jun  4 13:24:26 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] ? dquot_file_open+0x4a/0x50
Jun  4 13:24:30 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] mutex_lock+0x2b/0x50
Jun  4 13:24:32 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] ima_rdwr_violation_check+0x67/0x100
Jun  4 13:24:33 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] ima_file_check+0x20/0x50
Jun  4 13:24:40 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] nfsd_open+0x121/0x170 [nfsd]
Jun  4 13:24:44 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] nfsd_write+0xb3/0x100 [nfsd]
Jun  4 13:24:46 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] nfsd3_proc_write+0x103/0x140 [nfsd]
Jun  4 13:24:50 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] nfsd_dispatch+0xbb/0x220 [nfsd]
Jun  4 13:24:51 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] svc_process_common+0x324/0x650 [sunrpc]
Jun  4 13:25:05 OVMiddleearth kernel:  [] ? nfsd_set_nrthreads+0x190/0x190 [nfsd]
Oops looks like problem with kernel / xen stack. My first idea was to google for error but only a few pages were found. Oracle VM 3.1 is latest version and it is using Oracle kernel as well so I decided to reinstall everything thing using Oracle VM 3.0.3 and test it again. After 1 h I have my Oracle VM 3.0.3 up and running and I was ready for tests. This time I was able to go one step more. I was able to import assemblies into Oracle VM but it hung when I started create template process.
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219126] INFO: task nfsd:6446 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219127] "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219128] nfsd          D ffff880062372d2c     0  6446      2 0x00000000
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219129]  ffff8800efb85960 0000000000000246 ffffffff8002c2f0 0000000000000400
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219131]  ffffffff80618bc0 ffff8800efb825c0 0000000000009480 ffff8800efb829a0
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219132]  ffff8800efb82680 ffff8800efb825c0 ffff8800f54da740 ffff8800efb829a0
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219133] Call Trace:
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219135]  [] ? target_load+0x30/0x70
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219137]  [] ? tcp_transmit_skb+0x3d3/0x730
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219138]  [] ? _spin_lock_bh+0x13/0x120
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219140]  [] __mutex_lock_slowpath+0xd9/0x1a0
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219141]  [] mutex_lock+0x1e/0x40
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219143]  [] generic_file_aio_write+0x44/0xb0
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219145]  [] ? generic_file_aio_write+0x0/0xb0
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219146]  [] do_sync_readv_writev+0xed/0x130
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219148]  [] ? iput+0x2b/0x70
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219150]  [] ? autoremove_wake_function+0x0/0x40
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219152]  [] ? find_acceptable_alias+0x23/0x140 [exportfs]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219155]  [] ? __kmalloc+0x80/0x160
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219156]  [] ? security_file_permission+0x11/0x20
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219158]  [] do_readv_writev+0xcb/0x1e0
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219161]  [] ? nfsd_setuser+0x113/0x2d0 [nfsd]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219164]  [] ? nfsd_setuser_and_check_port+0x5c/0x60 [nfsd]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219165]  [] vfs_writev+0x39/0x60
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219168]  [] nfsd_vfs_write+0x106/0x430 [nfsd]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219170]  [] ? dentry_open+0x4d/0xb0
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219173]  [] ? nfsd_open+0x15c/0x1e0 [nfsd]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219176]  [] nfsd_write+0xe5/0x100 [nfsd]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219179]  [] nfsd3_proc_write+0xfe/0x140 [nfsd]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219182]  [] nfsd_dispatch+0xb5/0x230 [nfsd]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219187]  [] svc_process+0x477/0x780 [sunrpc]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219188]  [] ? wake_up_process+0x10/0x20
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219191]  [] ? nfsd+0x0/0x150 [nfsd]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219193]  [] nfsd+0xbd/0x150 [nfsd]
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219195]  [] kthread+0x8e/0xa0
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219197]  [] child_rip+0xa/0x20
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219199]  [] ? kthread+0x0/0xa0
Jun  4 15:23:21 OVMiddleEarth kernel: [  361.219200]  [] ? child_rip+0x0/0x20
There were similar errors in /var/log/message file so this same issue appear in two different kernels so probably kernel version is not a problem. This time there were direct relations to network so I think for while and I decided to check network stack – and it was it – network parameters in kernel were set to defaults so I set number of parameters.
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem= 10240 87380 12582912
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem= 10240 87380 12582912
net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 1
After that change issue have been solved for short time but it happen again. I have end up with installing and using tshark investigation of NFS packages and there were lot of lost ACK segments on loopback interface. I have stopped Oracle VM Manager and used set of commands to replicate unpacking assemblies after that I run Oracle VM Manager again
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# cat /OVS/Repositories/0004fb0000030000c7347e844b6d10ac/Assemblies/0004fb0011c5ece/unpacked/System.img | gzip -dc | dd of=/OVS/Repositories/0004fb0000030000c7347e844b6d10ac/VirtualDisks/marcin.img bs=1M
and in other window
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# tshark -i lo -w lo.trc
When D-state appear again I have trace file to investigate
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# tshark -r lo.trc | grep -i NFS
5238   5.870485 -> TCP nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73719217 Win=194 Len=0 TSV=79041 TSER=79041
5239   5.870490 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73751985 Win=194 Len=0 TSV=79041 TSER=79041
5240   5.870493 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73784753 Win=194 Len=0 TSV=79041 TSER=79041
5241   5.870497 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73817521 Win=194 Len=0 TSV=79041 TSER=79041
5243   5.870500 -> TCP nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73850289 Win=194 Len=0 TSV=79041 TSER=79041
5244   5.870502 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73883057 Win=194 Len=0 TSV=79041 TSER=79041
5246   5.912057 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73932209 Win=90 Len=0 TSV=79051 TSER=79041
5248   5.952204 -> TCP nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73948593 Win=26 Len=0 TSV=79061 TSER=79051
5268   6.163832 -> TCP [TCP ZeroWindow] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73955249 Win=0 Len=0 TSV=79114 TSER=79114
5270   6.375827 -> TCP [TCP Keep-Alive] 725 > nfs [ACK] Seq=73955248 Ack=46726805 Win=8197 Len=0 TSV=79167 TSER=79114
5271   6.375849 -> TCP [TCP ZeroWindow] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73955249 Win=0 Len=0 TSV=79167 TSER=79114
5272   6.799804 -> TCP [TCP Keep-Alive] 725 > nfs [ACK] Seq=73955248 Ack=46726805 Win=8197 Len=0 TSV=79273 TSER=79167
5273   6.799820 -> TCP [TCP ZeroWindow] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73955249 Win=0 Len=0 TSV=79273 TSER=79114
5309   7.647833 -> TCP [TCP Keep-Alive] 725 > nfs [ACK] Seq=73955248 Ack=46726805 Win=8197 Len=0 TSV=79485 TSER=79273
5310   7.647857 -> TCP [TCP ZeroWindow] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73955249 Win=0 Len=0 TSV=79485 TSER=79114
5361   9.343832 -> TCP [TCP Keep-Alive] 725 > nfs [ACK] Seq=73955248 Ack=46726805 Win=8197 Len=0 TSV=79909 TSER=79485
5362   9.343864 -> TCP [TCP ZeroWindow] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73955249 Win=0 Len=0 TSV=79909 TSER=79114
5792  12.735830 -> TCP [TCP Keep-Alive] 725 > nfs [ACK] Seq=73955248 Ack=46726805 Win=8197 Len=0 TSV=80757 TSER=79909
5793  12.735852 -> TCP [TCP ZeroWindow] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73955249 Win=0 Len=0 TSV=80757 TSER=79114
5966  19.519835 -> TCP [TCP Keep-Alive] 725 > nfs [ACK] Seq=73955248 Ack=46726805 Win=8197 Len=0 TSV=82453 TSER=80757
5967  19.519866 -> TCP [TCP ZeroWindow] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73955249 Win=0 Len=0 TSV=82453 TSER=79114
So there were problems and connections have been terminated around package 5268 - 5270. So let's see what happen
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# tshark -r lo.trc | grep -e "^52[456]."
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
524   3.914358 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] 725 > nfs [ACK] Seq=7745 Ack=6477389 Win=6148 Len=0 TSV=78551 TSER=78551
525   3.914369 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] 725 > nfs [ACK] Seq=7745 Ack=6510157 Win=6148 Len=0 TSV=78551 TSER=78551
526   3.914379 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] 725 > nfs [ACK] Seq=7745 Ack=6542925 Win=6148 Len=0 TSV=78551 TSER=78551
5240   5.870493 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73784753 Win=194 Len=0 TSV=79041 TSER=79041
5241   5.870497 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73817521 Win=194 Len=0 TSV=79041 TSER=79041
5242   5.870499 -> RPC [TCP Previous segment lost] Continuation
5243   5.870500 -> TCP nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73850289 Win=194 Len=0 TSV=79041 TSER=79041
5244   5.870502 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73883057 Win=194 Len=0 TSV=79041 TSER=79041
5245   5.870513 -> RPC Continuation
5246   5.912057 -> TCP [TCP ACKed lost segment] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73932209 Win=90 Len=0 TSV=79051 TSER=79041
5247   5.912074 -> RPC Continuation
5248   5.952204 -> TCP nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73948593 Win=26 Len=0 TSV=79061 TSER=79051
5249   6.023955 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [PSH, ACK] Seq=16637 Ack=3042 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=831 TSV=79079 TSER=78940
5250   6.024731 -> TCP 54321 > 34311 [PSH, ACK] Seq=3042 Ack=17468 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=38 TSV=79079 TSER=79079
5251   6.024773 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [ACK] Seq=17468 Ack=3080 Win=48 Len=0 TSV=79079 TSER=79079
5252   6.024835 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [PSH, ACK] Seq=17468 Ack=3080 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=220 TSV=79079 TSER=79079
5253   6.024954 -> TCP 54321 > 34311 [PSH, ACK] Seq=3080 Ack=17688 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=51 TSV=79079 TSER=79079
5254   6.063807 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [ACK] Seq=17688 Ack=3131 Win=48 Len=0 TSV=79089 TSER=79079
5255   6.071880 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [PSH, ACK] Seq=17688 Ack=3131 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=212 TSV=79091 TSER=79079
5256   6.072005 -> TCP 54321 > 34311 [PSH, ACK] Seq=3131 Ack=17900 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=50 TSV=79091 TSER=79091
5257   6.072064 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [ACK] Seq=17900 Ack=3181 Win=48 Len=0 TSV=79091 TSER=79091
5258   6.079861 -> TCP 57168 > 0 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=32792 Len=0 MSS=16396 TSV=79093 TSER=0 WS=8
5259   6.079876 -> TCP 0 > 57168 [RST, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=0 Len=0
5260   6.159933 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [PSH, ACK] Seq=17900 Ack=3181 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=251 TSV=79113 TSER=79091
5261   6.160069 -> TCP 54321 > 34311 [PSH, ACK] Seq=3181 Ack=18151 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=50 TSV=79113 TSER=79113
5262   6.160126 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [ACK] Seq=18151 Ack=3231 Win=48 Len=0 TSV=79113 TSER=79113
5263   6.160183 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [PSH, ACK] Seq=18151 Ack=3231 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=236 TSV=79113 TSER=79113
5264   6.160303 -> TCP 54321 > 34311 [PSH, ACK] Seq=3231 Ack=18387 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=26 TSV=79113 TSER=79113
5265   6.160410 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [PSH, ACK] Seq=18387 Ack=3257 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=249 TSV=79113 TSER=79113
5266   6.160533 -> TCP 54321 > 34311 [PSH, ACK] Seq=3257 Ack=18636 Win=48 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=50 TSV=79113 TSER=79113
5267   6.163807 -> RPC Continuation
5268   6.163832 -> TCP [TCP ZeroWindow] nfs > 725 [ACK] Seq=46726805 Ack=73955249 Win=0 Len=0 TSV=79114 TSER=79114
5269   6.199807 -> TCP 34311 > 54321 [ACK] Seq=18636 Ack=3307 Win=48 Len=0 TSV=79123 TSER=79113
So it looks like that NFS connection is terminated when any other packages from Oracle VM Manager or local Oracle XE database are appear on loop back interface. Probably (I can’t prove that so far) missing ACK is a part of problem but why [nfsd] is hanging on writing on disk ?
Anyway I still want to test Oracle VM so I decided to use iSCSI on loopback instead of NFS.

Adding local iSCSI server

I have found documentation how to set up iSCSI server here. So let’s start again:
# yum install scsi-target-utils

 Package                                       Arch                             Version                                  Repository                            Size
 scsi-target-utils                             x86_64                           1.0.14-2.el5                             el5_latest                           172 k
Installing for dependencies:
 libibverbs                                    x86_64                           1.1.3-2.el5                              el5_latest                            45 k
 libnes                                        x86_64                           0.9.0-2.el5                              el5_latest                            13 k
 librdmacm                                     x86_64                           1.0.10-1.el5                             el5_latest                            22 k
 openib                                        noarch                           1.4.1-6.el5                              el5_latest                            20 k
 perl                                          x86_64                           4:5.8.8-38.el5                           el5_latest                            12 M
 perl-Config-General                           noarch                           2.40-1.el5                               el5_latest                            68 k
Now it is time to add some block devices to share. We need at least two – as one has to be used as voting disk for OCFS2 and other one will be used for keeping data. TGT (iSCSI server) is quite flexible so we can use file on file system presented as block device.
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/etc/tgt/small_disk bs=1M count=1000
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# vi /etc/tgt/targets.conf

    backing-store /dev/sdb2 # my free partition
    backing-store /etc/tgt/small_disk # small file for OCFS vote at least 1 GB
    write-cache off # this is very important to disable write cache as TGT is killed and cache will be not sync at the reboot

Lets start TGT
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# service tgtd start
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# chkconfig tgtd on
Little hack to start TGTD just after network service and before iSCSI
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]#  cd /etc
[root@OVMiddleEarth etc]# mv rc2.d/S39tgtd rc2.d/S11tgtd
[root@OVMiddleEarth etc]# mv rc3.d/S39tgtd rc3.d/S11tgtd
[root@OVMiddleEarth etc]# mv rc4.d/S39tgtd rc4.d/S11tgtd
[root@OVMiddleEarth etc]# mv rc5.d/S39tgtd rc5.d/S11tgtd
[root@OVMiddleEarth etc]# ls -lR rc?.d/*tgt*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  7 17:33 rc0.d/K35tgtd -> ../init.d/tgtd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  7 17:33 rc1.d/K35tgtd -> ../init.d/tgtd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  7 17:33 rc2.d/S11tgtd -> ../init.d/tgtd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  7 17:33 rc3.d/S11tgtd -> ../init.d/tgtd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  7 17:33 rc4.d/S11tgtd -> ../init.d/tgtd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  7 17:33 rc5.d/S11tgtd -> ../init.d/tgtd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  7 17:33 rc6.d/K35tgtd -> ../init.d/tgtd
And now load new configuration
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# tgt-admin --execute
List Active Targets
[root@OVMiddleEarth ~]# tgtadm --lld iscsi --mode target --op show
Target 1:
    System information:
        Driver: iscsi
        State: ready
    I_T nexus information:
    LUN information:
        LUN: 0
            Type: controller
            SCSI ID: IET     00010000
            SCSI SN: beaf10
            Size: 0 MB, Block size: 1
            Online: Yes
            Removable media: No
            Readonly: No
            Backing store type: null
            Backing store path: None
            Backing store flags:
        LUN: 1
            Type: disk
            SCSI ID: IET     00010001
            SCSI SN: beaf11
            Size: 200006 MB, Block size: 512
            Online: Yes
            Removable media: No
            Readonly: No
            Backing store type: rdwr
            Backing store path: /dev/sdb2
            Backing store flags:
        LUN: 2
            Type: disk
            SCSI ID: IET     00010002
            SCSI SN: beaf12
            Size: 1049 MB, Block size: 512
            Online: Yes
            Removable media: No
            Readonly: No
            Backing store type: rdwr
            Backing store path: /etc/tgt/small_disk
            Backing store flags:
    Account information:
    ACL information:
So now we have iSCSI server and we can add it to Oracle VM. I have added it as new Storage Array using iSCSI Storage Server and I have added new iSCSI initiators in Access Group - here is my configuration:

When both LUN(s) have been presented to Oracle VM I have created server pool (it has to be clustered one even for one server - still not sure why but I was unable to create OCFS repository for not clustered server pool).

Then I have created repository and was able to import Assemblies and create template without any issues. Creating my first VM from template was possible as well and at the end I have my first Oracle VM machine.

So what I like in Oracle VM :
  • Assemblies from Oracle with preconfigured tools
What I dislike in Oracle VM (it can change when I will know that tool better) :
  • Tricky installation process in non production environment 
  • Local storage (repository) on whole empty disk until you will setup NFS / iSCSI on local host
  • Assemblies imported via http(s)/ftp path – why there is no SCP and register functionality (or maybe I don’t know how to do it)
  • Oracle VM manager is quite big – after some tuning it can run on 2 GB but still this is much for management only
  • No command line tools – tricky to manage if you have ssh connection only
One more hack - Oracle VM Manager should be started after all Oracle VM Server processes
[root@OVMiddleEarth etc]# mv rc2.d/S99ovmm rc2.d/S99xovmm
[root@OVMiddleEarth etc]# ls -l rc?.d/S*ovmm
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  4 14:46 rc2.d/S99xovmm -> ../init.d/ovmm
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  4 14:46 rc3.d/S99xovmm -> ../init.d/ovmm
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  4 14:46 rc4.d/S99xovmm -> ../init.d/ovmm
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun  4 14:46 rc5.d/S99xovmm -> ../init.d/ovmm