Monday, February 1, 2010

RMAN and SBT_TAPE backup pieces - how to catalog it

There has been a discussion on oracle-l mailing list about RMAN and backup pieces on tape which are non in recovery catalog anymore. A few people including me response that those backup pieces can be restored using dbms_backup_restore PL/SQL package if we only know a backup piece name.
Update 01/02/2010: Now is more solutions - I have started my investigation a few days ago.
I investigated this problem a little deeper and I found another solution. I did it because I was not aware that according to official Oracle documentation CATALOG command is not working with ‘SBT_TAPE’ interface.
I have tested this solution on:
  • Oracle Linux 32 bit
  • Oracle Windows 32 bit
  • Oracle Linux 32 bit
I’ve no possibility to check this on other machines now but if you can give me a shout what a results are.

Let’s story begin.
Only thing I knew was a backup piece name. This is a prerequisite but it can be found quite easily by Media Manager admin or by you itself if you know your Media Manager software. See example below for Legato Networker:

[oracle@piorovm usr]$ ./sbin/mminfo -q "client=piorovm" -r "ssid,name,totalsize,savetime,volume"
 ssid      name                                 total  date   volume
4267926146 RMAN:3bl4n6ru_1_1                  9961944 01/29/2010 piorovm.localdomain.001
4234372063 RMAN:3dl4n76v_1_1                805331112 01/29/2010 piorovm.localdomain.001
4217594914 RMAN:3el4n792_1_1               1389143616 01/29/2010 piorovm.localdomain.001
4200817814 RMAN:3fl4n7cl_1_1                477378960 01/29/2010 piorovm.localdomain.001
4251148936 RMAN:c-3537902502-20100129-03     10224108 01/29/2010 piorovm.localdomain.001
4184040645 RMAN:c-3537902502-20100129-04     10224108 01/29/2010 piorovm.localdomain.001

Or another example for Verita Netbackup (by Allen Brandon from Oracle-l list)
 /opt/oracle ->bplist -t 4 -k  -l -s 1/25/2010 -e 1/26/2010 -R /
-rw------- oracle    oracle       12582912 Jan 25 21:21 /c-18889999-20100125-09
-rw------- oracle    oracle        2359296 Jan 25 21:18 /xxprd_al_52855_1_709244222
-rw------- oracle    oracle       3383296K Jan 25 21:15 /xxprd_db_52852_1_709243545
Next thing is to add these names to control file or recovery catalog. First of all I started with very low level solution and dbms_backup_restore package. There is a function called inspectBackupPiece which required only backup piece name. Channel has to be allocated before that command. This gave me a hope that I can do it. I have created a small PL/SQL script and I have executed it.

v_dev varchar2(50);             
v_fullname varchar2(4000);
recid number;
stamp number;

v_dev:=sys.dbms_backup_restore.deviceAllocate(type=>'sbt_tape', ident=>'test');

And that was it – Backup piece has been added to control file.
Ok, if there is a possibility to does this using PL/SQL package there should be possibility do this using RMAN command line. I was trying with allocating ‘SBT_TAPE’ channel and catalog command but without success. Because I have very short memory about command syntax and I know that RMAN is helping with that a little bit I gave a try:
RMAN> catalog  ;

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands
RMAN-01009: syntax error: found ";": expecting one of: "archivelog, backup, backuppiece, controlfilecopy, clone, datafilecopy, device, db_recovery_file_dest, recovery, start"
RMAN-01007: at line 2 column 1 file: standard input

As you can see in error message is a short information about what is expected. Hmmm a device I think it is a good direction. Let’s try again
RMAN> catalog device type;

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00558: error encountered while parsing input commands
RMAN-01009: syntax error: found ";": expecting one of: "double-quoted-string, disk, equal, identifier, single-quoted-string"
RMAN-01007: at line 1 column 20 file: standard input
Ok that’s it – RMAN is expecting a disk or any double or single quoted string.
Final step is to give RMAN a chance:
RMAN> list backupset;


There is no backup in control file.
RMAN> catalog device type 'sbt_tape' backuppiece '3dl4n76v_1_1';

released channel: ORA_DISK_1
released channel: ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
allocated channel: ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: SID=170 device type=SBT_TAPE
channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: NMO v5.0.0.0
cataloged backup piece
backup piece handle=3dl4n76v_1_1 RECID=103 STAMP=709599103 
and now

RMAN> list backupset;
List of Backup Sets

BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
77      Full    Unknown    SBT_TAPE    00:00:00     29-JAN-10
        BP Key: 103   Status: AVAILABLE  Compressed: NO  Tag: TAG20100129T224031
        Handle: 3dl4n76v_1_1   Media:
  List of Datafiles in backup set 77
  File LV Type Ckp SCN    Ckp Time  Name
  ---- -- ---- ---------- --------- ----
  1       Full 8788185    29-JAN-10 +DATA/pioro/datafile/system.260.695313067 
Yes we have one already added via catalog command.
After that I have found two notes on MOS where this syntax is mentioned no 727655.1 and not public no550082.1

This example is very typical for a lot of new solutions – if you are not aware that something is impossible you can try and do that.
