SQL_ID and/or PLAN_HASH_VALUE are used almost globally across Oracle database to identify query. This is not a case for SPM mechanism
using different identifiers - SQL_HANDLE for query and PLAN_NAME for execution plan. SQL_HANDLE contain hexadecimal representation of EXACT_MATCHING_SIGNATURE from V$SQL but we don't have any information in DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES about SQL_ID and PLAN_HASH_VALUE.
After some research I found two ways to find SQL_ID matched to SQL baseline (if there is more please let me know).
using different identifiers - SQL_HANDLE for query and PLAN_NAME for execution plan. SQL_HANDLE contain hexadecimal representation of EXACT_MATCHING_SIGNATURE from V$SQL but we don't have any information in DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES about SQL_ID and PLAN_HASH_VALUE.
After some research I found two ways to find SQL_ID matched to SQL baseline (if there is more please let me know).
Let me present following example - first of all test environment will be prepared
SQL> select sql_handle, plan_name from dba_sql_plan_baselines; no rows selected SQL> select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998; COUNT(*) ---------- 1 SQL> select sql_id, plan_hash_value, exact_matching_signature, sql_plan_baseline from v$sql where sql_text = 'select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998'; SQL_ID PLAN_HASH_VALUE EXACT_MATCHING_SIGNATURE SQL_PLAN_BASELINE ------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ aa1m3a9b64srz 1925551782 18089075686129158449
There is no plan baseline at the beginning to make it more clear and only baseline for test query will be loaded.
SQL> vari rc number SQL> exec :rc:=dbms_spm.load_plans_from_cursor_cache(sql_id=>'aa1m3a9b64srz',plan_hash_value=>1925551782) PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> print rc RC ------------------------------ 1 SQL> select sql_id, plan_hash_value, exact_matching_signature, sql_plan_baseline from v$sql where sql_text = 'select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998'; SQL_ID PLAN_HASH_VALUE EXACT_MATCHING_SIGNATURE SQL_PLAN_BASELINE ------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ aa1m3a9b64srz 1925551782 18089075686129158449 SQL> select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998; COUNT(*) ------------------------------ 1 SQL> select sql_id, plan_hash_value, exact_matching_signature, sql_plan_baseline from v$sql where sql_text = 'select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998'; SQL_ID PLAN_HASH_VALUE EXACT_MATCHING_SIGNATURE SQL_PLAN_BASELINE ------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ aa1m3a9b64srz 1925551782 18089075686129158449
Plan baseline has been loaded but still not used by query - new cursor has to be opened.
SQL> alter system flush shared_pool; System altered. SQL> select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998; COUNT(*) ------------------------------ 1 SQL> select sql_id, plan_hash_value, exact_matching_signature, sql_plan_baseline from v$sql where sql_text = 'select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998'; SQL_ID PLAN_HASH_VALUE EXACT_MATCHING_SIGNATURE SQL_PLAN_BASELINE ------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ aa1m3a9b64srz 1925551782 18089075686129158449 SQL_PLAN_gq2afgwdf4k9je2333459
After reload test query is using SQL plan baseline.
Now is a time to present first method of conversing SQL_HANLDE and PLAN_NAME into SQL_ID and PLAN_HASH_VALUE. This method is simple but it has one pitfall - query has to be in shared pool.
Now is a time to present first method of conversing SQL_HANLDE and PLAN_NAME into SQL_ID and PLAN_HASH_VALUE. This method is simple but it has one pitfall - query has to be in shared pool.
SQL> select sql_id, plan_hash_value, exact_matching_signature, sql_plan_baseline from v$sql where sql_text = 'select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998'; SQL_ID PLAN_HASH_VALUE EXACT_MATCHING_SIGNATURE SQL_PLAN_BASELINE ------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ aa1m3a9b64srz 1925551782 18089075686129158449 SQL_PLAN_gq2afgwdf4k9je2333459 SQL> select sql_handle from dba_sql_plan_baselines where plan_name = 'SQL_PLAN_gq2afgwdf4k9je2333459'; SQL_HANDLE ------------------------------ SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931 SQL> select sql_handle, plan_name from dba_sql_plan_baselines where sql_handle = 'SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931'; SQL_HANDLE PLAN_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931 SQL_PLAN_gq2afgwdf4k9je2333459
First we need to display SQL_PLAN_BASELINE from V$SQL which is related to PLAN_NAME column in DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES. Second query shows SQL_HANDLE for that PLAN_NAME and last one will show all entries (it can be more plans for one query) for this particular SQL_HANDLE. At the end all required information are on screen. I have used this method for long time but I hit into problem several times as my query wasn't in v$sql anymore.
Second method is more complicated but it is working even when SQL is not in shared pool any more. DBMS_XPLAN has possibility to display plan for particular SQL_HANDLE and it will be our source of PLAN_HASH_VALUE
Second method is more complicated but it is working even when SQL is not in shared pool any more. DBMS_XPLAN has possibility to display plan for particular SQL_HANDLE and it will be our source of PLAN_HASH_VALUE
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE('SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931')); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQL handle: SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931 SQL text: select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan name: SQL_PLAN_gq2afgwdf4k9je2333459 Plan id: 3795006553 Enabled: YES Fixed: NO Accepted: YES Origin: MANUAL-LOAD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 1925551782 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | Pstart| Pstop | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 6 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | | | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 6 | | | | | | 2 | PARTITION HASH SINGLE| | 1 | 6 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | 16 | 16 | |* 3 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | CUSTOMERS_PK | 1 | 6 | 1 (0)| 00:00:01 | 16 | 16 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 3 - access("CUSTOMER_ID"=19998) 26 rows selected.
Unfortunately there is no still information about SQL_ID. But I realize that DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES is keeping full text of SQL query so I should be able to calculate HASH_VALUE. Anyway this is what DBMS_XPLAN is using to generate PLAN_HASH_VALUE - optimizer is generating plan when DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE has been invoked. I tried to calculate SQL_ID using md5sum or perl but then I recall post from Tanel Poder blog how to calculate SQL_ID based on HASH_VALUE and other post by Slavik Markovich how to calculate SQL_ID using PL/SQL. Great Work Guys !
Rest was quite simple - I joined all parts together (PL/SQL loop calculating SQL_ID has been taken from Slavik script)
Rest was quite simple - I joined all parts together (PL/SQL loop calculating SQL_ID has been taken from Slavik script)
declare v_sqlid VARCHAR2(13); v_num number; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('SQL_ID '||' '|| 'PLAN_HASH_VALUE' || ' ' || 'SQL_HANDLE ' || ' ' || 'PLAN_NAME'); dbms_output.put_line('-------------'||' '|| '---------------' || ' ' || '------------------------------' || ' ' || '--------------------------------'); for a in (select sql_handle, plan_name, trim(substr(g.PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT,instr(g.PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT,':')+1)) plan_hash_value, sql_text from (select t.*, c.sql_handle, c.plan_name, c.sql_text from dba_sql_plan_baselines c, table(dbms_xplan.DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE(c.sql_handle, c.plan_name)) t where c.sql_handle = '&sql_handle') g where PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT like 'Plan hash value%') loop v_num := to_number(sys.UTL_RAW.reverse(sys.UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(sys.dbms_crypto.hash(src => UTL_I18N.string_to_raw(a.sql_text || chr(0),'AL32UTF8'), typ => 2),9,4)) || sys.UTL_RAW.reverse(sys.UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(sys.dbms_crypto.hash(src => UTL_I18N.string_to_raw(a.sql_text || chr(0),'AL32UTF8'), typ => 2),13,4)),RPAD('x', 16, 'x')); v_sqlid := ''; FOR i IN 0 .. FLOOR(LN(v_num) / LN(32)) LOOP v_sqlid := SUBSTR('0123456789abcdfghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz',FLOOR(MOD(v_num / POWER(32, i), 32)) + 1,1) || v_sqlid; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(v_sqlid ||' ' || rpad(a.plan_hash_value,15) || ' ' || rpad(a.sql_handle,30) || ' ' || rpad(a.plan_name,30)); end loop; end;
How it work:
SQL> declare 2 v_sqlid VARCHAR2(13); 3 v_num number; 4 BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('SQL_ID '||' '|| 'PLAN_HASH_VALUE' || ' ' || 'SQL_HANDLE ' || ' ' || 'PLAN_NAME'); 6 LOOP dbms_output.put_line('-------------'||' '|| '---------------' || ' ' || '------------------------------' || ' ' || '--------------------------------'); for a in (select sql_handle, plan_name, trim(substr(g.PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT,instr(g.PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT,':')+1)) plan_hash_value, sql_text from (select t.*, c.sql_handle, c.plan_name, c.sql_text from dba_sql_plan_baselines c, table(dbms_xplan.DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE(c.sql_handle, c.plan_name)) t where c.sql_handle = '&sql_handle') g where PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT like 'Plan hash value%') loop v_num := to_number(sys.UTL_RAW.reverse(sys.UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(sys.dbms_crypto.hash(src => UTL_I18N.string_to_raw(a.sql_text || chr(0),'AL32UTF8'), typ => 2),9,4)) || sys.UTL_RAW.reverse(sys.UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(sys.dbms_crypto.hash(src => UTL_I18N.string_to_raw(a.sql_text || chr(0),'AL32UTF8'), typ => 2),13,4)),RPAD('x', 16, 'x')); v_sqlid := ''; FOR i IN 0 .. FLOOR(LN(v_num) / LN(32)) LOOP v_sqlid := SUBSTR('0123456789abcdfghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz',FLOOR(MOD(v_num / POWER(32, i), 32)) + 1,1) || v_sqlid; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(v_sqlid ||' ' || rpad(a.plan_hash_value,15) || ' ' || rpad(a.sql_handle,30) || ' ' || rpad(a.plan_name,30)); 18 end loop; 19 end; 20 / Enter value for sql_handle: SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931 old 9: where c.sql_handle = '&sql_handle') g new 9: where c.sql_handle = 'SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931') g SQL_ID PLAN_HASH_VALUE SQL_HANDLE PLAN_NAME ------------- --------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- aa1m3a9b64srz 1925551782 SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931 SQL_PLAN_gq2afgwdf4k9je2333459 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Let me clean shared pool
SQL> alter system flush shared_pool; System altered. SQL> select sql_id, plan_hash_value, exact_matching_signature, sql_plan_baseline from v$sql where sql_text = 'select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998'; no rows selected
Let's try one more time
SQL> declare 2 v_sqlid VARCHAR2(13); 3 v_num number; 4 BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('SQL_ID '||' '|| 'PLAN_HASH_VALUE' || ' ' || 'SQL_HANDLE ' || ' ' || 'PLAN_NAME'); 6 LOOP dbms_output.put_line('-------------'||' '|| '---------------' || ' ' || '------------------------------' || ' ' || '--------------------------------'); for a in (select sql_handle, plan_name, trim(substr(g.PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT,instr(g.PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT,':')+1)) plan_hash_value, sql_text from (select t.*, c.sql_handle, c.plan_name, c.sql_text from dba_sql_plan_baselines c, table(dbms_xplan.DISPLAY_SQL_PLAN_BASELINE(c.sql_handle, c.plan_name)) t where c.sql_handle = '&sql_handle') g where PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT like 'Plan hash value%') loop v_num := to_number(sys.UTL_RAW.reverse(sys.UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(sys.dbms_crypto.hash(src => UTL_I18N.string_to_raw(a.sql_text || chr(0),'AL32UTF8'), typ => 2),9,4)) || sys.UTL_RAW.reverse(sys.UTL_RAW.SUBSTR(sys.dbms_crypto.hash(src => UTL_I18N.string_to_raw(a.sql_text || chr(0),'AL32UTF8'), typ => 2),13,4)),RPAD('x', 16, 'x')); v_sqlid := ''; FOR i IN 0 .. FLOOR(LN(v_num) / LN(32)) LOOP v_sqlid := SUBSTR('0123456789abcdfghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz',FLOOR(MOD(v_num / POWER(32, i), 32)) + 1,1) || v_sqlid; END LOOP; dbms_output.put_line(v_sqlid ||' ' || rpad(a.plan_hash_value,15) || ' ' || rpad(a.sql_handle,30) || ' ' || rpad(a.plan_name,30)); 18 end loop; 19 end; 20 / Enter value for sql_handle: SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931 old 9: where c.sql_handle = '&sql_handle') g new 9: where c.sql_handle = 'SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931') g SQL_ID PLAN_HASH_VALUE SQL_HANDLE PLAN_NAME ------------- --------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------- aa1m3a9b64srz 1925551782 SQL_fb094e7f1ae24931 SQL_PLAN_gq2afgwdf4k9je2333459 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select sql_id, plan_hash_value, exact_matching_signature, sql_plan_baseline from v$sql where sql_text = 'select count(*) from soe.customers where customer_id = 19998'; no rows selected SQL>
Hope it help work with SQL Plan Management feature.