Sunday, August 30, 2009


First time I have seen that tool a few years ago and I was really surprise how useful it was. Now I have come back to it and a new version (release 2.3) in my opinion is very mature and can be used for many various performance tests.
Let me present show main features:
  • Few different benchmark test
    • OLTP Order Entry PL/SQL version
    • OLTP Order Entry Java version
    • OLTP Calling Circle
    • Stress test
    • DSS Sales History
    • Custom

  • Possible outputs
    • Transaction per minute
    • Transaction Response time
    • DML operation per minute

  • Many configuration options ex:
    • Number of concurrent users
    • Min and max delay time between transactions
    • Logon delays
    • Using of connection pooling

  • Distributed client coordinator
All features are described on Dominic Giles (author) homepage in documentation section. This document describe version 2.2 and a newest version is 2.3 and some additional configuration possibilities has been added from XML to GUI.

There are a lot of possible configurations and tests covered by SwingBench. Combining a customer defined transactions in tool with application knowledge SwingBench can be used as a small brother of Oracle Real Application Testing – of course it required much more work to define a workload but it is for free.

How to use it – it is very simple please take a look on my quick start guide.
  1. Download a package
  2. Unzip into target directory – ex. c:\SwingBench
  3. Edit a SwingBenchenv.bat file – only path below should be changed

    REM Set the following to reflect the root directory of your Java installation

    set JAVAHOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07

    REM Set the following to the directory where you installed swingbench

    set SWINGHOME=C:\swingbench

    REM Set the following to the location of your TimesTen install (optional)

    set TTHOME=C:\TimesTen\tt70

    REM If you don't have the ORACLE_HOME environment variable set uncomment the following and change it to reflect your environment

    set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1

  4. Go to C:\swingbench\winbin and start oewizard.bat - configuration wizard

  5. Click next and choose a create schema

  6. Enter a server IP, database name and sys password

  7. Enter schema name and tablespace location - if you have a EE edition you can clik Use Partitioning option

  8. Choose a size of demo schema using sliders

  9. Confirm all settings and click Finish

  10. Wizard will display a additional window with Wizard log

  11. Click OK on confirmation screen

  12. Click Cancel in main Wizard Window

  13. You can start now a SwingBench - c:\swingbench\winbin\swingbench.bat

    And change a ConnectionString to proper one for your environment

  14. Click Start button and enjoy a performance test

This is all for a first time. Now I'm trying to find a fastest way to catch up
a workload on existing database and transform it into a SwingBench tests.

I hope it help some people to test a performance of existing and future installations.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Slow network connection in 11g

Today I found a thread on Oracle forum about a slow connection and I recall that I solved it in past.
Now I have found a few notes on Metalink (ex. 803838.1) which confirm my investigation that Oracle 11g is using DNS to resolve names instead of /etc/hosts file on Unix box. If your server is not registered in DNS or if there is no DNS server which was specified in /etc/resolv.conf you can have a connection problem.

A fastest way to solve it on Linux is to remove "nameserver" entry from /etc/resolv.conf file if you don't need a DNS on the server otherwise you have to be sure that your Oracle server is registered in DNS.

On Solaris a solution is a little bit different - change line in /etc/nsswitch.conf into

ipnodes: files [NOTFOUND=continue] dns

and do not delete line starting with hosts.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Application Server - Forms session monitoring


Oracle Application Forms server has some build in logging tools which allow a DBA to trace a performance or debug data. In Oracle documentation you can find a example how to use that tools.
If you check a URL you can notice that all examples are related to default forms environment


But how to use that if you have a few different environment deployed on server (ex. a few applications) and you are using URL which include a environment name


You have to realize (I spend some time several times on it so I decide to create that post)
that "serverURL" and config are a parameters in your URL and according to HTTP standard for GET method we can combine parameters using "&" character.


That's all folks and I will try to remember that using my blog memory :-)


Oracle indexes


Jonathan Lewis just started a series of posts about indexes. This is one of these things which has a flag "must to read". Please find some examples:
- Index fragmentation
- Index explosion part 1
- Index explosion part 2


Monday, August 10, 2009

ASM datafile operation in NOMOUNT


Several times I have been asked to manipulate with data files placed on ASM. In 11g there is a very nice feature – Oracle added a cp command to asmcmd tool but in 10g we have to use database instance to do all work.
One of very common task is coping a data file from one ASM disk group to other one. It can be done via RMAN copy command but this command adds an entry to RMAN repository. There is another method to do that and I found it in Oracle documentation (Yes, yes, RTFM). Convert command can be used not only to copy data file from ASM to file system and vice versa but to copy between ASM groups too.


RMAN> convert datafile '+DATA/PIORO/DATAFILE/ORABPEL.260.692892311' format '+DATA/PIORO/copyofORABPEL';
Starting backup at 10-AUG-09
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile conversion
input filename=+DATA/pioro/datafile/orabpel.260.692892311
converted datafile=+DATA/pioro/ copyofORABPEL
channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile conversion complete, elapsed time: 00:00:25
Finished backup at 10-AUG-09

ASM to file system

RMAN> convert datafile '+DATA/PIORO/DATAFILE/ORABPEL.260.692892311' format '/home/oracle/copyofORABPEL';
Starting backup at 10-AUG-09
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile conversion
input filename=+DATA/pioro/datafile/orabpel.260.692892311
converted datafile=/home/oracle/copyofORABPEL
channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile conversion complete, elapsed time: 00:00:26
Finished backup at 10-AUG-09

Keep in mind that this command doesn’t add any information to control file so you want to rename a file you have to maintain it manually.

This command is working in NOMOUNT state too but a additional parameter is required

[oracle@piorovm ~]$ rman target /
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Mon Aug 10 22:15:44 2009
Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.
connected to target database: pioro10 (not mounted)

RMAN> convert datafile '+DATA/PIORO/DATAFILE/ORABPEL.260.692892311' from platform 'Linux IA (32-bit)' format '/home/oracle/copyofORABPEL';
Starting backup at 10-AUG-09
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=154 devtype=DISK
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile conversion
input filename=+DATA/pioro/datafile/orabpel.260.692892311
converted datafile=/home/oracle/copyofORABPEL
channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile conversion complete, elapsed time: 00:00:26
Finished backup at 10-AUG-09

If you need to copy archive log (ex. From flash recovery area) you can use a RMAN copy command - this is running only in MOUNT state.

RMAN> copy archivelog '+data/PIORO/ARCHIVELOG/2009_07_28/thread_1_seq_58.266.693419455' to '/home/oracle/arch_1_58';
Starting backup at 10-AUG-09
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archive copy
input archive log thread=1 sequence=58 recid=1 stamp=694559795
output filename=/home/oracle/ arch_1_58 recid=3 stamp=694560324
channel ORA_DISK_1: archivelog copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:07
Finished backup at 10-AUG-09

But it can be a dangerous command because additional entry to control file is created and if you delete this file from a file system without sending that information to RMAN archive log backup could failed. To avoid it always CROSSCHECK ARCHIVELOG ALL before archive log backup or use option “skip inaccessible”.
This is it for today but I have some additional ideas to check.


Monday, August 3, 2009

andLinux and Oracle


Please find my short paper about installation of andLinux and Oracle 10g.
It can be a useful when you want to have a Linux version of Oracle on your Windows machine without any virtualization tool.
andLinux is a Ubuntu distribution and is not officially supported but it is working fine. It was some problem with path to "basename" and "awk" during a linking (error related to nnfyboot file).
