Thursday, August 30, 2007

migration to UTF character set

When you try to import data from fixed size character set (ex. we8mswin1252) to UTF, you can go into problem that value is too large for column.

This problem can appear when table was created with char or varchar2 column which size was specified in bytes not in characters. There is a parameter NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS
which has two values - byte or char. Default value is byte, and in that case if you make a export from database with default parameter and then you import this data into new database, all tables will be created with byte size for character columns (ex. varchar2(50 byte)).
My first thought was, that if I change this parameter to "char" in new database, all tables will be created in "char" size. But this is only partial true, new tables are created with "char" length of columns but import process still is creating columns with byte.

My solution is to split import process into three steps.
1. Import only tables definitions (import with parameter rows=n)
2. Change column definition from byte to char using prepared script
3. Import data.

How to create script for column conversion ? Using SQL query in SQL*Plus:

set pagesize 0
set linesize 100
spool convert.sql
select 'alter table ' || owner || '.' || table_name || ' modify ' || column_name || ' ' || data_type || '(' || data_length || ')' from dba_tab_columns where owner='schema' and char_used = 'B' and table_name not in (select view_name from dba_views where owner='schema');
spool off

This query generate script, which is executed and after that all char and varchar2 columns should use "char" as length size.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Where is my alert.log ?

I used DBCA to create my new database. What was my surprise when I type "cd $ORACLE_BASE/admin//bdump". Where is my alert log ? Hmmmmm.
Quick check of background_dump_dest parameter show all. There is a new default location of
all trace files. I've started looking some information in Oracle docs, and I found that in 11g Oracle introduce a new diagnostic system ADR (Automatic Diagnostic Repository). I'm just starting to read documentation of it to find out how it is working.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

11g on Linux

Two days ago I've download and installed a Oracle 11g on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.
Installation was nice and quite easy. I will post step by step instruction soon.

Order by - sort versus index full scan

High water mark is a real problem for some tables in database.

In my case I have a table which is a part of interface between two systems and once a week this table is filled with a lot of rows (about 1 000 000). When rows are processed, interface service remove them from the table. But there is a other service which check how many rows is in table and run two statement:

  • select count(*) from interface_table
  • select col1, col2, col3 from interface table order by col1,col2
with out the index both query use full scan table access so due to high water mark this statement takes a lot of time.

First statement is quite easy to tune is enough to add
index but second one is more complicated. One can smile here and
tell "We need to add one hint. that's all." Of course, we can if we have a access to source code.
In this case we have not.

Only way to change table access in second case is use a "order by" clause and knowledge how this clause is executing by Oracle.In Oracle database are two possibilities to execute "orderby" clause. One is use "SORT", second one is use "INDEX FULL SCAN". Oracle can use second option if table has primary key and columns in primary key are in this same order as columns in "ORDER BY" clause. Next restriction is that columns can not be varchar2.
Please find below examples of problem:

Table definition:

CREATE TABLE marcin_test
ROWSTAMP number(16),

for i in 11..50000 loop
insert into marcin_test values (i,'aaaa',i,i,1,'a','a');
end loop;

Testing SQL statement:

select intername, transid, transorder, errorfile
from marcin_test
order by transid, transorder;


  • no primary key – table with 50000 rows
0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=523 Card=50000 Bytes=1000000)
1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=523 Card=50000 Bytes=1000000)
2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'MARCIN_TEST' (Cost=95 Card=50000 Bytes=1000000)

  • no primary key – table with 100 rows – HWM was set by 50000 rows
0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=108 Card=10 Bytes=160)
1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=108 Card=10 Bytes=160)
2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'MARCIN_TEST' (Cost=95 Card=10 Bytes=160)

  • primary key – table with 50000 rows
0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=523 Card=50000 Bytes=1000000)
1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=523 Card=50000 Bytes=1000000)
2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'MARCIN_TEST' (Cost=95 Card=50000 Bytes=1000000)

  • primary key – table with 100 rows – HWM was set by 50000 rows
0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=3 Card=10 Bytes=160)
1 0 TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'MARCIN_TEST' (Cost=3 Card=10 Bytes=160)
2 1 INDEX (FULL SCAN) OF 'T1_PK_2' (UNIQUE) (Cost=2 Card=10)

This examples shows that if we have a “ORDER BY” clause and if we can add primary key to table, we can avoid full scan on table with very high HWM and reduce response time for this